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Showing 85–86 of 86 results


Valerian Roots 100gm – For Better and Restful Sleep


Valerian Roots-Valerian is generally well-tolerated, although it may occasionally result in some typical side effects, such as dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, stomach discomfort, mental haziness, and vivid dreams. Key Advantages of Valerian Roots. Valerian roots contribute positively to overall health and well-being. It assists in regulating sleep patterns and promotes relaxation for both the body and […]

Vasaka Powder 100gm – Beneficial in conditions like asthma and productive cough


Vasaka Powder contains vasaka, which has been used widely in traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years to aid in the recovery from respiratory illnesses such as asthma, bronchus inflammation, cough, and other lung and bronchiole abnormalities. According to Ayurveda, adulsa or vasa have kapha/pitta dosha pacifying effects, which aid to remove excess heat from […]
